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Saved Money This Year On Heating Bills

April 3, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Contribution by Hershel Johnson of Amazing Interior Design Ideas

Saving money this year seems to be paying off on the energy bills. I saw a show on my satellite television that gave many tips on how to winterize the home and took notes of things to do. I have a four story home counting the basement and attic, so if there are ever any ideas on saving money for heating, I try to pay attention. This year we put up plastic on most of the window to keep out the drafts and caulked around them inside and out with a clear caulking around the frames and stationary windows.

We also checked all the seals around the doors to make sure they were still intact to cut down on drafts. They had mentioned on the show about how cellar door will leave in a lot of cold air, which I never checked it in the past and found that there was a lot of air coming around the door. There is an inside door that leads to a storm cellar entrance with the double lift doors, so the only thing I could really do was add a plastic cover to the entire inside of the door and seal around the frame. This year heating bills so far have been lower, so I am thankful for informative shows to help save money. Click for more information.