How To Fight Charge Backs
February 4, 2013 by publisher · Leave a Comment
Charge backs are something that every online business faces. A fraudulent charge back is something that can cause you a lot of money and erase your profits. A fraudulent charge back is when a customer disputes a transaction that was actually legitimate. When they successfully dispute it, they get the money back from you, basically getting whatever product they purchased from you, completely free of charge.
If you want to fight fraudulent charge backs, you need to start out by first and foremost fully understanding what they are. Once you understand a fraudulent charge back, as described in the first paragraph, you can take steps to battle them. The first thing that you must do is to keep a detailed record of all of your transactions. This is for the sake of being able to completely legitimize your sale to the credit card company if a charge back is claimed by a customer. The next step that you can take is to actually call the customer that has made the dispute. You may get them in an uncomfortable situation to the point where they actually do not want further fight the fraudulent charge back.
Thanks to you can work with a professional services company that can help you keep the sales in your pocket. Solidtrustpay works with you to ensure your sales are processed successfully, and fraudulent charge backs are fought. Solid trust pay is a major partner in the fight against fraudulent charge backs